10 Unconventional Gifts for Mom

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10 Unconventional Gifts for Mom

She was there when you had skinned knees, your first break-up, and teenage angst. She knew what you needed during those rough times, from a bandages to kind words or discipline. Now that you’re older, wiser, and more grateful, it’s time to give something back to Mom.

You want to give your mother a gift that she’ll love, so you may want to break away from the run-of-the-mill items. You made the macaroni necklaces, purchased flowers, and have even tried jewelry. While most moms love these gifts as long as they’re from the heart, you may want to give yours something unexpected. If so, read this blog to get inspired by unconventional gifts you can give to the woman who has given you so much.

Hire a Cleaning Service

Cleaning can be hard work! Give your mom a break and hire McMaid do that work for her. Or buy her a McMaid gift certificate to give her weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleanings so she can enjoy her clean home without having to lift a finger.

Give a Journal

Every person has a story to tell. While it’s fantastic to sit down and have a conversation with your mom, it’s different to see her written story. With this journal, she can discuss her past accomplishments, present concerns, and future hopes. As most people do, she may want to keep this journal private. She can enjoy journaling therapy as she puts her thoughts on paper, and that relic can serve as a family heirloom so you and her descendants can get to know her on a more personal level later.

Write Her Letters

Now that we’re on the writing topic, you should consider writing to your mom. A heart-felt card can work well to show how you feel, but letters can send a more in-depth message. Take time once a month to write your mom a letter. Then, once you’ve written 12, tie them together with twine and deliver them. You can read these messages together or have her read them on her own. Either way, she’ll love the meaning behind them.

Have a Spa Day for Two

You may have already bought your mother a spa day package. But this time, extend that generosity to yourself as well. Some people won’t want to attend the spa by themselves, so this is your chance to pamper both of you-and spend some quality time together while you’re at it.

Purchase Lessons

For the woman who has everything, teach her something new (or pay someone else to teach her). New skills like photography, painting, car mechanics, computer skills, and quilting may give your mom a new hobby and get her excited about learning. You can tailor this gift to your mother’s interests to make it just want she always wanted. Like the spa day, she may want to take this class with another person. If you can’t attend, purchase a place for her spouse or a friend for company.

Take a Vacation

If you have the funds, splurge on a vacation. However, this vacation doesn’t have to have an international destination or a 5-star hotel. She may just want a free trip to see her grandchildren or to visit her siblings. Whatever ticket she receives, she’ll know that you care.

Plant an Herb Garden

If you hear year after year that your mother wants to start an herb garden, start one for her. You can find garden-ready plants that come in pre-packaged, labeled kits. Once she receives your gift, all she has to do is open it, find a well-lit window sill, and enjoy.

Scan Her Photos

Are there piles of photographs in boxes, albums, and packets around the house? If so, give your mom a gift she-and future generations-will love: scanned photographs. Once you organize and scan her photos, you can give them to other family members and place once-forgotten memories around the house.

Get Her Adrenaline Pumping

If your mom likes to take a walk on the wild side, select a gift that will take her there. Purchase a day-pass to a racecar track where she can drive the cars or spend the day on a snowmobile. She’ll love the adventure and the time you spend together.

Tell Her All the Reasons You Care

If your mother’s birthday looms close, give her a thank-you jar. For example, if your mom is about to turn 60, write 60 reasons why you love her. Be specific. You can talk about a moment where she showed you love, a favorite story she tells, or a lesson she taught you. The more specific these reasons are, the better.Remember that gifts mean the most when you put thought into them. Take the time to consider what your mom really wants before you purchase anything. That way, any gift you choose will be a success.
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