6 Health Benefits of a Clean House

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6 Health Benefits of a Clean House

Remember Danny Tanner on the sitcom “Full House”? He always had a sponge and a bottle of cleaning solution handy, and he seemed almost giddy whenever he spotted a mess that required his expert cleaning skills. The show’s writers and actors got many laughs of out Danny’s excessive cleanliness over the years-because they understood that most people just don’t love cleaning.

Are you in the category of people who consider house chores a bore? Even if you try to keep a tidy home, you probably don’t jump for joy when you spot a sink overflowing with dishes or a heaping pile of laundry.

If you’re looking for a little motivation to clean your house (or to call in some professional maids), you should know that a clean house has numerous mental and physical health benefits. Read below to discover what they are.

1. People With Cleaner Houses Exercise More

Whatever your feelings about clean and messy houses, you can’t argue with the health benefits of exercise. Physical activity helps you feel happier, gives you more energy, and keeps weight and health conditions more manageable.

You may not realize that a clean house actually subconsciously encourages you to exercise. A study published in Time magazine showed that people with cleaner homes exercise more and have better health. So if you have weight loss or exercise goals, consider cleaning your house an important step towards achieving them.

2. Cleaning Your House Counts as Exercise

Perhaps you have too many tasks on your daily schedule to both clean your house and exercise. Not a problem. You can always count vacuuming, dusting, mopping, and making the bed as your workout instead.

You can burn about 200 calories an hour doing common household chores. And some chores burn calories even faster. For example, scrubbing your bathtub burns 200 calories in 30 minutes, and raking leaves burns 225 calories in 30 minutes.

3. Making Your Bed Leads to Better Sleep

You’re not alone if your mornings are so rushed that you don’t find time to make the bed. One survey found that about 59% of people don’t make their beds every morning and only 27% do.

But that small chore yields big health benefits-if you take time for it. A survey by the National Sleep Foundation reveals two key reasons you should pay attention to your bed’s state of cleanliness:

75% of people report sleeping better on clean sheets.

Daily bed-makers are 19% more likely to experience a restful night’s sleep.

Make this small chore a priority from here on out-or hire McMaid Home Services who can take care of the job for you.

4. Washing the Dishes Clears Your Mind

Even if you have a dishwasher, you likely have to do some type of dishwashing every day. And if you don’t, you pay for it later with a sink full of dirty, smelly pots, pans, and plates.

Maybe you avoid washing your dishes because you need a rest. Well, it turns out the chore you’re skipping could give you the mental break you’re craving. A study from Florida State University researchers found that people can use dishwashing time for mindful meditation. Participants who meditated while scrubbing dishes experienced reduced stress and boosted immune systems.

To take advantage of those benefits, focus on the experience next time you do your dishes. Take time to appreciate the scent of the soap, the soft feel of the bubbles, and other sensory elements of the chore. Your brain will thank you.

5. Uncluttered Space Leads You to Eat Healthier

Can your messy room really be affecting your waistline? Indirectly, yes. A cluttered living room or bedroom won’t make you gain weight, but it might lead you to eat unhealthy foods that contribute to extra pounds on your frame.

This correlation comes from a study published in the journal Psychological Science. Researchers compared two groups of people: those who worked in a messy space and those who worked in a neat space. After just 10 minutes in the workroom, the people in the neat space were twice as likely to eat an apple than a candy bar as a snack.

Put this trick to work for you. Tidy up every room in your house. Your brain will feel less cluttered, and your hands will reach for more nutritious foods.

6. Cleaning Creates a Healthy Relief Valve for Frustrations

Next time you feel frustrated, do more than leave the room and count to 100. Pick up a rag and start dusting. Or flip on the vacuum and eliminate the grime around your baseboards. In short, channel that negative energy into a positive task.

When you get angry, your heart beats faster, and your body’s hormone balance changes. Your brain also becomes more active. Essentially, your body wants to do something when you feel anger-so let that “something” be cleaning. Your anger could subside after 10 minutes of folding laundry, and then you’ll feel more rational and ready to solve the issue that caused your anger in the first place.

Are you ready to reap these health benefits of a clean house? Then pick up your mop and get cleaning, or dial trusted McMaid Home Services to tackle the dirty job for you.

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